No More Websites?

No More Websites

Rick, You’re Not Quitting, Are You?

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Image Credit Source: Russell Brunson/Expert Secrets

Please, No More Websites, People…

“Rick, after almost 20 years, is it true that you’re telling people to stop relying on websites for their business?”



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Actually, I’ll still build you a website if you need one. But you’re probably not going to make that much money off of it. If you’re okay with a static brochure site that simply offers your contact info and a menu of your services, well then you got it. Just don’t expect to get a decent return on that $1,000 plus investment.



So what do I suggest instead of some fancy website for your business?

I recommend that you focus on putting all your web traffic through an online marketing funnel. Then you use this system to follow up with these visitors that are showing an interest in your company so that you can convert this opportunity into paid customers.

The Internet is still in its infancy. Look at where the automobile started and think about how long it took for cars to get to where they are today. It’s wild that we’re beginning to see self-driving cars starting to take off. Well, a lot like the beginning of the car industry, the Internet is still really young. It’s still in its Model-T Ford stage.

But a transformation has been developing for a few years and I’ve been watching it closely. And this is why I’m encouraging all my clients to start looking at marketing funnels for their online business strategies.



So what’s an online marketing funnel?

Well… I could tell you. But frankly, my explanation would be nowhere as good as the guy who’s been teaching me all about this for the past 3 years. And thanks to him, I’ve had the pleasure of learning how to capitalize on this amazing direction the internet is going. And I’m really excited to be helping my clients take their business to the next level in online sales and marketing conversions.

No More Websites - Expert Secrets - You're Just One Funnel Away - Funnel Hacks

Probably The Best Training You’ll Ever Get That Can Help You Convert Traffic On Your Website!

If you’re curious about what I’m talking about, I can share with you–for free–the first video in a series of 5 that explains the way successful people are using the internet to make real money for their companies? You can also get the rest of the videos for free too.  I’m doing this because I want to provide some value to you so that maybe one day you’ll consider me if you’re ever ready to do business on the web.

And this works for brick-and-mortar companies as well as online businesses too. Doctors, chiropractors, dentists, plumbers, and just about any offline business you can think of is already applying these online techniques to drive more clients and customers through their doors.

To see the first of a five-part video series, just click on the following button right now.

But wait… There’s more!

(I love saying that. And yes, I love having fun with my online writing!)

I’m giving away my teacher’s brand new book for free! You can buy it right now on Amazon for $19.95. Maybe a little less, $14.95 if you have Prime. Or you can get it for free right now from me.

I’ve read the first 3 chapters in a pre-release and this book is fantastic!


Seriously, I’ll keep building websites for you guys…if you want. I enjoy it. So it’s not a big deal.

But if you really want to discover how to use the internet to generate real results for your business then I suggest you watch the first video here and then pick up your free book as my gift to you for saying thanks for checking it all out.

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    About Rick Martin

    Rick Martin


    For more than 20 years, I've helped people get their businesses and brands recognized on the web. Get more details and helpful tips by following me on Facebook and Instagram!