“Rick, What Do You Do All Day? Sit Around And Facebook?”

Image Credit Source: TerrasolOC/TerrasolOC.com
? ? … Uhm …
I get asked a lot, “Rick, what do you do?” And years ago, I’d simply say, “I make websites…”
(It was kinda an old inside joke with a friend.)
The fact is I actually do a lot more for my clients who want to get their business and brand on the web.
Here’s a quick sample:
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With this project, we’re developing a consumer brand that ties in closely with RE/MAX Terrasol. RE/MAX Terrasol is a fantastic Real Estate Company with offices in Huntington Beach and Orange. It was recently awarded a huge honor as RE/MAX Brokerage of the Year in California & Hawaii. So they’d like to expand upon this great work throughout Orange County.
While this particular Facebook identity is brand new (and I welcome you to “Like” it… That would be awesome!!), it connects visitors with blog posts that offer great information on home purchase and selling.
The Blog Website:
[wp_ad_camp_3]Hey, Liam… Take It Easy!
From there, guests have an opportunity to interact with the website by looking for homes that they might be interested in buying. And for potential sellers, it also allows the guests to get a really good idea of what their home is worth with one of our free home valuation tools.
All of these “opportunities” on the website generate leads for the team at RE/MAX Terrasol to connect with. They can work towards discovering if there’s a possible relationship that can be developed with the visitor and the RE/MAX Terrasol Agent. This can result in new home sales and purchases for the team. This means real ROI for the office.

[wp_ad_camp_2]As you can see, there’s a lot going on than simply, “I build websites.”
I actually help my clients develop relationships with online visitors and kinda help people get into the homes they’ve always wanted… Even if I’m only a small part of the process via the web tools that I’m working with for my clients.
It’s a fun “job” and I love doing it!
Oh yeah, I’m also wrapping up a pretty big eCommerce site for another client. We’re talking about 1,000 plus products!!
I’ll be sharing details about that soon…
So if you made it this far… That’s what I do.
Yep, I make websites, I generate leads, I drive traffic to sites via Facebook ads…
I basically have a lot of fun at my desk all day–and night sometimes!
This wasn’t originally meant to be a “plug”. ? ?
I’m just excited about the direction this TerrasolOC.com site is headed.
But if you have any questions, or want to talk about getting something like this up and running for yourself, hit me up.
And thanks for checking all this out. I’d love to hear your feedback after you’ve gone through the Facebook page and the website.
Here are the links again:
Facebook: Facebook.com/TerrasolOC/
Website/Blog: TerrasolOC.com
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