Real Estate Agents…
Mortgage Brokers too…
I have access to a unique platform that provides lists of real estate buyers and sellers that are In Market: RIGHT NOW.
What does this mean?
Let me explain it in a story…
Bill has been thinking about getting a bigger home for his family. He begins to do some research on the internet. He goes to all the familiar sites like Zillow,,, and so much more… He’s getting info on property values in his neighborhood. Then he begins looking up interest rates on various sites like LendingTree, Quicken Loans, you know the sites…
Bill wants to do his research before he talks with anyone.
In fact, it might be a few weeks before he even picks up the phone to let his friend Jack, a realtor of 20 years, know that he’s even considering a new purchase.
Bill is “In Market” to sell his home and find a new one for his family.
But he hasn’t told anyone yet.
Or has he?

Image Credit Source: The Internet of Things Is Now/
You see, Bill has gone to maybe 20-50 sites on the internet over the last couple of weeks casually looking at what his options are. He’s gathering data so that he can talk it over with his wife as they make this big decision together.
But in addition to that, in between browsing for homes and interest rates and loans, Bill has been to other sites like where he recently bought a new book on sports fishing. Bill’s also been to Travelocity to look up hotels and flights for a family vacation later this year.
Just like most of us, Bill has spent a lot of time on the internet… On his laptop, his iPad, his smartphone, and probably his computer at work too.
And just like the rest of us, Bill has been leaving a trail of breadcrumbs all along the internet that’s telling a big machine somewhere what he’s been thinking about…
Let me ask you a question…
Have you ever been to a big site and seen a popup at the top or bottom say something like, “Hey, if you use this site, you agree to our terms and conditions…blah blah…legal stuff… boring stuff… blah blah…”
Probably, right?
I know that I have.
I just typically ignore it and browse away on the site.
Well here’s the thing…
All those sites that Bill has visited in the past few weeks have provided a company that I’m connected with a lot of analyzed data that is screaming out, “HEY, RICK… BILL IS IN MARKET TO SELL AND BUY A HOME. TELL YOUR CLIENT NOW!!!”
This company and its big computers have looked at Bill’s internet browsing behavior over the past couple of weeks, looked at a lot of his purchases, looked at how long he’s been on a site, how long he’s been on a page, and it’s looked at how long he’s been evaluating a particular offer. And then, after all that “looking” it spits all that information from all those hundreds of pages and websites back to its algorithms and machine learning artificial intelligence programming and it says, “Yep, Bill has shown with a really high degree of probability that he’s ready to move. Bill is In Market.”
And this computer is right!
It’s not messing around.
It’s looking at billions of data points all day long and it knows all the character traits of an In Market buyer and seller….
And just like Santa Clause…
It puts a guy like Bill on the list.
And ONLY people like Bill on this list.
Real Leads.
So every week, I get a copy of this list and I say to my client in their territory, “This is a list of people who are in market to buy and sell “right now”. We need to put you in front of them “right now” so that when they’re ready to pick up the phone and call someone, YOU are the first person they think of! We need to do this Right Now!”
Now, before you FREAK OUT…
Before you ask me all the crazy questions like, “What about privacy and personal information….”
(I know because I asked the same questions when I evaluated this stuff…)
Let me just say this:
The list that I get is code.
That’s it.
I don’t get people’s names. I don’t get their emails. I don’t get their phone numbers. I get a list with a bunch of code that’s tied to Bill and people like him, and I feed it into places where I advertise for my clients. And these marketing channels that I use know how to process that code.
And it’s legal. It’s private. It’s compliant.
It’s part of a process where contractually I am never allowed to see anyone’s personal web browsing or anything that they’re doing on the internet.
And I really don’t care.
I don’t have time to look at the list of a 1000 people I get every week who are ready to buy and sell their home.
I’m too busy putting my client on the internet and getting them in front of this list of real buyers and sellers BEFORE anyone else knows about them!
So here’s the deal…
I mentioned a few weeks ago that I made a choice that will greatly impact my future.
This is part of it.
I got involved with the people behind this hi-tech industry. And this is my space. This is the stuff that I’m into. This is the world that I know and get.
(Most of you know me… You know that this is what I do…)
The people behind this tech also understood that I get this stuff too. And they know that I’m really good at what I do. So as I invested in them they’ve allowed me to be a partner with them so that I can share this with real estate agents across the country.
Before I begin sharing this with others, I want to let people who know me, and friends of friends who know me, that I’m available to tell you more about this technology.
Friends, this technology exists.
I can’t tell you enough how real it is.
I’ve seen it.
I’m looking at it.
And I’m getting ready to roll it out for clients that I’m already working with.
You know, we are all being “looked at” on the internet by big companies and by a lot of digital marketers.
Some sites like Facebook and Google know more about you than your husbands and wives.
We all know this.
But what makes this different is that my data comes from thousands of sites, not just Facebook or Google. So like Bill, if you’re checking out 10-20 or 30 websites and the pages inside all those different sites, your “habits” and your “browsing” data is being collected and sent to only a few people like me.
(Remember, I just get code… It’s a “hashtag” ID. I don’t know who you are. You’re just on my list and then I feed that list into my marketing channels.)
So, why am I sharing all of this on here with you…
(Assuming that 1) you’re still here and 2) you haven’t freaked out and moved into a shack in the mountains…)
It’s because if you’re interested in learning more about this, I want you to connect with me and we can chat about this a little more.
Who wouldn’t share this with their friends first? It’s the least that I can do!
Besides, I know that some of you are into this stuff.
Some of you are “early adopters” to this kind of stuff.
Some of you were the first to get iPhones, Galaxy Note 23’s, whatever is new and “smart” like the Echo Dot.
(“Alexa, is anyone still here reading this with me…?”)
And you’ve heard about this machine learning AI stuff. You’ve read articles like the ones I’ve posted below. And you know that this was coming, this whole “Internet of Things” next phase of the web stuff.
So, if you have made it this far, and you’re an agent or mortgage person, and you see and get that the future is really here right now, connect with me right away.
…And this isn’t some disingenuous sales tactic.
I mean this…
Time is of the essence!
Think about it…
If I have access to this list in your market area it would not be fair to share the same list with competing agents and brokers in your area.
That’s bad business. I’d be a jerk to share this list with you and then give the same list to your competitor.
And I don’t want to be a jerk.
That’s just not cool…
So it only makes sense that I can share this list with one person in your area.
So, for example, if you’re in North Orange County, I can only work with you in North Orange County, not anyone else in the area.
If you’re in Riverside, I can only share my Riverside data with you in your area of Riverside.
It just doesn’t make sense to anyone that I’d share it with more than one person like that, right?
Let’s Chat About It…
So, let me know if any of this has piqued your interest in any way.
If so, shoot me a private message and we can chat about it.
If you know someone who’s interested in this, share this with them and I’d be happy to discuss it with them too.
And thanks for reading this far. I appreciate you. And I’m happy to help!
Want help? Let me know…
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