Verse of the Day: Psalms 33:18

Black & White: Read - Psalms 33:18 NLT



Black & White: Read

Psalms 33:18 NLT

Practice… Practice… Practice…

So, I decided to try out a new series… I hope you enjoy it.

Music: Adventures by A Himitsu • YouTube

Feeling comfortable in front of the camera so that I can apply it more to my online marketing business has been a goal of mine for awhile. But I couldn’t think of a motivating or interesting topic. Then the other day, I had a thought, “Why not a verse of the day while I’m out and about?” It seems like a fun and great way to share my personal journey with Jesus.

Well… That’s my first episode. As you can see, I’ll have to get used to doing this. It was funny, I was in the middle of the verse, reading it from my watch when suddenly the screen went into sleep mode! Prayers are appreciated…



Thanks for checking it out…

You’re encouraged to visit where you can learn more about God’s love and grace for all of us. It’s a great place to dig deeper into the story of Jesus and how He came here to save both you and me.  CLICK HERE FOR TODAY’S VERSE.

By the way, I’m not a pastor, teacher or anything like that. But if you want prayer, please feel free to leave a comment below and/or you can send me a private message.

Want To Read More?

Click below to see more Verses of the Day! - Black and White: Read

About Rick Martin

Rick Martin


For more than 20 years, I've helped people get their businesses and brands recognized on the web. Get more details and helpful tips by following me on Facebook and Instagram!